MASK 2015, Aug 25-30, 2015 |
Location: Zhukovsky AB, Russia |
Admission:General public only on Friday, Saturday and Sunday |
Parking: Several lots, either free or $5, VIP parking available for higher fee. |
Value: Good |
Rating out of 10: Not an air show |
Show layout |
We visited the 12th International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS 2015 which was held from August 25 to 30, at the Zhukovsky Air Base, Russia, to give our readers an insight to one of the largest and also one of the most interesting aviation exhibition that is held every two years featuring the latest Russian aircraft.
Zhukovsky AB is located 20 miles south-east of Moscow. Unfortunatly, for 2015 the sanctions imposed by many western nations, foremost by the EU countries against Russia, have had a major impact at MAKS 2015. There were a considerable less foreign exhibitors from the West, and a lot less deals were signed than in privious years such as MAKS 2013.
Regardless the organisers reported 760 exhibitors 605 Russian and 155 foreign exhibitors representing 30 countries, in comparison to 2013, , with 1100 exhibitors. The first three days of the exhibition were dedicated to business: where the deals usually made for a variety of civilian and military aircraft. The weekend was open for the general public. During the exhibition, each day featured different flight demonstrations that include the Russian Knights six Su-27 and Su-30, Baltic Bees six L-39 from Latvia, as well as the Russian stealth fighter the Sukhoi T-50/PAK-FA. |
The Russian Air and Space Defence Forces and Naval Aviation have demonstrated their latest Su-30 SM multirole fighter at MAKS 2015, although this model was shown before. The Su-30SM is a modification of the Su-30 MKI heavy fighter developed for export. The Su-30 MKI is manufactured by Irkut corporation under the Indian Air Force´s contract for 272 aircraft, most of which were built under license by the Indian manufacturer HAL. Indian pilots last demonstrated their warplanes´ air to air capabilities in early August 2015, during a joint exercise with Royal Air Force Typhoons at RAF Coningsby. See our review here Exercise_Indradhanush_2015.htm |
During the displays the newest Russian Display Team the “Wings of Tauris” flying with six Yak-130 were introduced. The team was formed at the Borisoglebsk Aviation Training Center in 2014. Deliveries of this type combat trainer to the Russian Air Force started in 2010. The current Russian fleet exceeds 60 aircraft. |
There was nothing new exhibited on the static side, in fact there were several old aircarft which are stored at the
Zhukovsky AB were pulled out that included the Sovier era SST the Tu-144. |
Media would like to express our thanks to the head of the press Center for their great hospitality and assistance on the base. Our special thanks to Mrs. Irina Ermolaeva. |
Performers included: |
Russian Falcons (Sokoły ROSSII) 2 x Sukhoi Su-27M and 2 x Su-30SM
Russian Knights (RUSSKIYE VITYAZI) Sukhoi Su-27P and Su-27UB.
Russian Heritage Flight: MiG-3 and a MiG-35
Russian Wings of Tauris 6 x Yak-130
Russian Swifts 6 x MiG-29
First Flight 4 x Yak-52/54 and one Piper PA-23 (Russian private Display Team)
Baltic Bees 6 x L-39 (Latvian Private Display Team)
Airbus A350-900
Su-SBJ100 Business Jet
TVS-2DT (An-2)
Beriev B200
Ka-52, Mi-171, Mi-35M, Mi-26 T2, Mi-17B5, Mi-171A-2, Mi-38OP4, Mi-8AMTSh-V, Mi-28H, Ansat,Ka-226T,
US-made Douglas DC-3 two airplanes of WWII period which performed the Alaska - Siberia flight in honor of the 70th anniversary of the WWII victory and ALSIB cooperation between USA and USSR (how ironoic in 2015!)
Aircraft on static display included: |
Myasishchev VM-T ATLANT
MiG-27L (NATO codename: FLOGGER)
MiG-25 (NATO codename: FOXBAT)
Sukhoi Su-15 (NATO codename: FLAGON)
Tupolev Tu-160 (NATO codename: BLACKJACK)
Tupolev Tu-22M3 (NATO codename: BACKFIRE)
Tupolev Tu-144, SST
MiG-1.44 MFI
Beriev A-50
and many more aircraft and SAM, AA as well as Anti-shipping missiles and delivery systems.. |
Report and photography by Peter Thivessen and Wolfgang Jarisch for |