2009 Air Shows |
Airpower Over Hampton Roads, Virginia
Location: Langley Air Force Base, Hampton, Virginia |
Admission: Free |
Parking: Free |
Value: Excellent |
This show is held annually in late April. This year, there were less people attending than expected. Must be the economy! While the air show and parking are free, buying refreshments and food are very expensive. The security was tight, not even large camera bags were allowed in.
Featured performers included the Air Force Thunderbirds, The East Coast F-22 Raptor Team and several USAF Heritage Flights. |
There were the typical static displays, and the show included the B-2 fly-by on Saturday. There were some delays with the Thunderbird performances on both days, about 45 minutes to an hour, and the announcements were very poorly done!
It was very warm this year mid 90s requiring plenty of sunblock and fluids. Over all the show was very good, but on Saturday trying to leave after the show was very poorly handled, with lots of confusion and long delays in getting out of the parking area. On Sunday it was much improved!
Some of the warbirds participating were:
- B-2 Flying Wing
- F-4 Phantom
- F-15 Eagle
- F-18 Super Hornet
- F-22 Raptor
- The Thunderbirds
- C-17 Globemaster III
- Yak-9
- P-51D Mustang
- The only civilian owned Sea Harrier F/A2 SHAR
- T-33 Vintage Thunderbird
- and many others.
Rating: 8.5 out of 10 |
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